Liquid Ambition

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    Anfernee Simons has also ramped up his scoring and assisting output, perhaps making one of Portland’s veteran starting guards expendable at the trade deadline, and P.J. Tucker—shooting a league-leading 47 percent from 3!—is rejuvenated on offense after posing as a mere one-way player for most of last season. Most of all, Murray is enjoying a breakout campaign in San Antonio, in which he’s both receiving more of an offensive burden and making the most of it: He’s one of just seven players—along with four in the top 10, Ball, and Garland—who’s creating at least 20 points per game for both himself and his teammates. Wilt Chamberlain scored 70-plus points in a single game four times during the 1962 calendar year. The first came on Jan. 13 in the Warriors 135-117 win over the Chicago Packers as Chamberlain shot 29-for-48 from the field and 15-for-25 from the line. The last came on Nov. 16 in a 127-111 win over the New York Knicks with Chamberlain shooting 29-for-43 and making 15 of 19 free throw attempts. At the time, that gave Chamberlain the five highest single-game scoring performances in league history.
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